I’m Katie Pulsifer.
I’m a Master Certified and Deep Dive Life Coach working with select clients privately & in group programs.
My genius is showing you the exact thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that keep your life pretty-damn-good, but not extraordinary. Then, I get you dialed into who you want to be and what you need to do to create the exact experiences you truly crave.
I call this Radical Self-Responsibility.
It’s about living with greater integrity, impact and love. And I think it’s the most beautiful thing you can do for yourself, and the world.
Since 2015, I’ve coached thousands of people and trained thousands of coaches. I love this discipline. How it breaks us free of what’s safe, comfortable, and conventional and gets us doing the big things our brains say we can’t do. I bring the latest, most effective coaching tools to help you challenge your status quo and make your best future inevitable.
I show you what you’re not seeing
01. The thoughts you need to stop thinking and start thinking so you can trust your decisions, heal or end the relationship, parent lovingly without going bananas, stop overpromising everyone, find love, get in shape or start your next adventure.
02. The feelings you need to feel (that you’re currently avoiding) so that on the other side of discomfort, you can sustain the motivation, commitment, and courage to follow through on the changes you crave.
03. The incredible possibilities you haven’t been able to see yet because of your conditional thinking.
04. The inspired action you need to take, and how you can set yourself up to follow through consistently in alignment with the future you want.

I’ve never been drawn to a predictable life. And I imagine neither have you.
Even if that’s where you now find yourself. You know this isn’t you. It isn’t how it has to be. It’s so normal to feel like you can’t stop reaching for that extra glass, absent-mindedly over-snacking, or saying yes to yet another thing that distracts from what you say you want. That underlying discomfort has a point: You won’t be satisfied staying where you’re at. The world won’t know the full extent of what you can contribute.
The great news?
You don’t have to wait until things slow down or
until everything somehow gets easier.
I can show you how to create enough time, confidence, or money to start making big things happen. Change your thinking one degree, and you can change the trajectory of your whole life.
I champion the unexpected choices & audacious pivots that once seemed impossible.
I’m here for the ones who are called to do things differently. Because I’m one of you. I’ve changed majors. Closed businesses. Moved across the country. Dissolved a two-decade marriage. And basically said goodbye to a super cushy corporate job, plus a lifestyle where I had everything, to recreate my life from scratch in the most beautiful and unexpected way. I fell in love with life coaching, because it’s what helped me go beyond what seemed possible and acceptable. It’s how I left all that safety behind, and created the remarkable life, career, and marriage I have today.
That said, I’m not just here for the sweeping 180s.
One degree turns are just as important. They can make just as big of a difference in achieving your dreams.
Whether you’re pivoting big time or simply playing your growth game, my brilliance is helping you see beyond what’s secure and comfortable, so you can make extraordinary things happen. While having a lot more real fun along the way.
I take a root-cause approach to self-evolution. So your motivation to do things differently doesn’t fizzle out.
If you’ve read the book, done the visualizations, tidied the house, seen the therapist and kept the journal…but the follow-through on the things you want still isn’t quite happening… I get it. And it’s not that you lack discipline. It’s that when your brain is wired to keep you in what’s familiar, grit and willpower aren’t enough to break old patterns.
I believe there is always a cause in our thinking that drives our unwanted behavior and outcomes in more of the same.
Our brains are often skilled at disguising those thoughts in all sorts of stories, reason and logic. That’s why it can be so hard to see what’s going on for ourselves. Why we start to think we have to wait for something to change.
I’ve created my own Golden Coaching Methodology, based on over 12 years of study, so that I can efficiently uproot the source of your thinking and help you establish powerful new thoughts that result in the future you really want. I am constantly up-leveling my coaching tools, learning from the best in the industry, and deepening my understanding of the world. I think the most fulfilling thing ever is helping you meet epic goals with integrity and ease.

The result of our work together?
You’ve given yourself permission to pursue what matters to you.
You trust yourself to have the answers.
You don’t need to look at what already exists in the world to tell you who to be and how to show up.
You know what you need to do. And you’re doing it.
It feels incredible.
I believe you are the expert in your life. And my job is to help you develop the self-knowledge, self-compassion and self-trust that will fuel your follow-through and give you real confidence.
This is an investment in your brain, your heart, and your capacity to make good things happen in the world.

We can focus on
Creating close relationships, finding motivation and direction in your career, overcoming fatigue and procrastination, creating more time, money and energy for the dream, or a combination of things.
Whatever your exact focus, centering your goals and needs radiates authenticity and love into every area of your life. You will stop doing the things you wish you could stop doing, and have more peace, more freedom and more fun living in pursuit of your dream.

You’ve changed many times. And now you have the chance to change again.
The most important thing you can do is get to know yourself, your thinking, your heart, your feelings, your soul…
So you move with agency, integrity and power. Our work together is to develop self-knowledge, self-compassion & self-trust to live a fuller, louder, less-predictable life. A life where you get to be more yourself and have a more beautiful ripple effect on the world around you.

If I think I can help you, we’ll meet for a zero-pressure conversation to see if we’re a fit.
Whether we choose to work together or not, you’ll walk away with a valuable new way of looking at things.
I’d like to acknowledge and name the teachers and mentors who have influenced my work, including Mel Robbins, Danielle Cohen, Bev Aron, Corinne Crabtree, Erika Royal, Courtney Delgado, Brooke Castillo, Karen Fagan, and Trudi LeBron.
Danielle Cohen
Rebeca Arango
Revamp Design Studio

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All Rights Reserved. @2025 Katie Pulsifer Coaching