Compassion in Uncertain Times.

Uncertainty shows up in so many ways—big life changes like a health diagnosis, unexpected setbacks like the loss of a job, and even the daily, general "unknowns" like how many people in this family will be home for dinner and at what time.

Not even to mention our collective community, climate, political, and global uncertainties.

It can be so unsettling, wreaking havoc on our nervous systems and leaving us grasping for some sense of control.

The truth is there will never be a time when we are truly free from uncertainty.


It’s a painful truth to come to terms with, I know.

But there’s one thing we can always offer ourselves and others during unsettling times, and that is compassion.

Compassion isn’t about minimizing pain, having all the answers, or figuring everything out right away—it’s about creating space for tenderness, listening, and kindness, even when things feel upside down.

I wanted to share some reflections on how we can lean into compassion when life feels uncertain and, in doing so, feel a little more grounded and resourced.

Compassion Starts With Noticing

When so much feels beyond our control, it’s easy to slip into autopilot—either living in endless overwhelm, frustration, or procrastination loops that keep reinforcing the same unease over and over again.

Or “over-ing everything,” meaning over-consuming information, over-working, and over-scrolling in an attempt to control the uncontrollable.

But compassion starts with something really simple: noticing.

Notice how you’re feeling and name it gently. “This feels heavy right now.” or “I’m feeling overwhelmed because of (fill in the blank).”

Notice how you’re talking about what’s going on and look for the effect of your words on your emotions. “My words and tone are so negative, no wonder I feel so frustrated.”

When you acknowledge what’s there, you’re not giving in to it and definitely not blaming yourself. Instead, you’re honoring your humanity and your experience.

You’re also showing yourself what you are certain about. “I’m certain about what I am feeling in this moment.” or “I know that I’m attempting to control the uncontrollable.”

We’ve Been Here Before

I remind myself of this in times of uncertainty: I’ve made it through difficult, challenging times before.

It may have been messy and painful and may not have gone according to plan, but I am here on the other side of it right now.

Take a moment to think about a time when you didn’t know what the next step would be—and yet, over time, with patience, determination, grace, and/or perseverance. You made it through.

That’s worth remembering because it reminds us that uncertainty doesn’t last forever, even when it feels like it will.

What is this moment asking of you now?

Compassion for Others, Too

One of the most beautiful things about compassion is that it expands outward.

When we’re tender with ourselves, it often makes us more open to showing up for others. And it doesn’t have to be grand gestures—it can be something small, like checking in with someone or offering a kind word when they’re having a tough time.

Sometimes, just letting someone know, “I’m here if you need to talk,” makes a more significant difference than we realize. Even if we don’t have the perfect thing to say, our presence can mean the world to someone feeling just as unsure as we are.

Honoring Your Limits

Compassion doesn’t mean saying yes to everything or taking on more than you can handle. In fact, one of the kindest things we can do for ourselves is to be protective of our energy and output and take the time we need to rest and reset.

When everything feels unsettled, giving yourself permission to pause is a radical act of care. Whether it’s stepping away for some quiet, turning off the news, or asking for help, these small choices can restore the energy you need to face what’s ahead.

Letting Small Steps Be Enough

It’s tempting to wait for clarity or a perfect plan before proceeding. But sometimes, the smallest steps make the most significant impact.

Whether reaching out for support, journaling your experience and feelings, or just taking a mindful, cleansing breath, these small actions can help create a sense of steadiness and open the possibility of forward movement without pressure.

Even something as simple as being kind to yourself today can shift how you feel in big ways. You don’t have to do everything at once—just the next right thing for you.

Uncertainty is so hard. It’s okay to feel unsteady. But compassion has this quiet, calming way of bringing us back to our center—reminding us that we’re not alone and doing our best.

Whether it’s a moment of self-compassion in the middle of a busy day or reaching out to remind someone they’re not alone, these small moments of kindness make a difference.

I’d love to hear how you’ll be practicing compassion this week. Let’s continue this conversation—you never know who might be encouraged by what you share.

With immense appreciation & gratitude. Always.


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