The Decision You Think You Made (But Haven’t Really)

We like to believe that when we make a decision, we’ve decided. But sometimes, what we call a decision is really just a maybe in disguise.

  • We say we’re all in on building our coaching business, but we keep questioning whether we’re ready.

  • We decide to finally start working out, but we keep “waiting for the right time.”

  • We commit to a big life change, like moving to a new city, but then we keep revisiting the same pros and cons list.

This pattern—flip-flopping, second-guessing, and revisiting decisions—has a cost. It drains time, energy, and confidence. And often, the biggest thing holding us back isn’t the decision itself—it’s our fear of commitment.

This week, let’s dive into why indecision is so costly and how to recognize if you’ve actually made a decision—or if you’re just circling around it.

The Hidden Costs of Not Really Deciding

When we stay in a loop of uncertainty, we don’t just delay progress—we create unnecessary struggle. Here’s how indecision quietly drains us:

1. It Wastes Mental Energy

Constantly revisiting a decision takes up valuable brain space. Instead of using our energy to move forward, we use it to rethink the same thing over and over. It’s exhausting.

  • The person who keeps debating whether to leave their job but never applies for anything new.

  • The person who keeps wondering if they should start dating again but never actually goes on a date.

  • The coach who keeps saying they’re ready to raise their prices but keeps offering discounts or hesitating when a potential client asks about their rates.

Indecision takes energy that could be used for action.

2. It Erodes Self-Trust

When we don’t follow through on our decisions, we send ourselves the message: I don’t trust myself to make the right call. Over time, this diminishes confidence and makes every future decision feel even harder.

You might start to feel like someone who "never follows through" or "is always stuck," when in reality, you just haven’t fully committed yet.

3. It Slows Down Results

Decisive action creates momentum. When we stay stuck in indecision, we delay the clarity, feedback, and growth that come from actually doing the thing.

  • You don’t know if a workout plan works until you try it consistently.

  • You don’t know if moving to a new city is the right choice until you take steps to explore it.

  • You don’t know if your coaching business will grow until you actually market your offers, make invitations, and trust the process.

This doesn’t mean we should rush decisions just for the sake of it. But it does mean that once we choose, we need to commit.

Where Are You Stuck in Half-Decisions?

Take a moment and think about where you might be circling a decision rather than committing. Ask yourself:

1️⃣ Where have I been going back and forth on a decision without taking action?
2️⃣ What is the real reason I’m hesitating? Is it fear of making the wrong choice, fear of failure, or something else?
3️⃣ If I knew that either choice could work, which would I choose today?

This is your invitation to bring some awareness to where you’ve been holding yourself in limbo.

Next week, we’ll dive into Part Two—how to finally commit and follow through once you’ve made a decision.

Until then, hit reply and let me know: Where are you struggling with indecision right now? I’d love to hear what’s coming up for you.

With immense appreciation & gratitude. Always.


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